Learning more about the rich history of Playa del Carmen!

Before being called Playa del Carmen, the name of this region of the Mexican Southeast, it was known as Xaman Há, which means "Northern Water", (although there are those who say that it also means "the black wind of northern water"), which in pre-Hispanic times it was a small fishing village. It was one of the first towns seen by the Spanish conquerors at the beginning of the 16th century. It has a privileged location in front of the island of Cozumel and it is believed that it may have been one of its embarkation ports. It was an extensive settlement of masonry constructions and platforms for houses made of wood and palm, whose inhabitants were mainly engaged in fishing and agricultural activities.

During the first stage of the campaign to conquer Yucatán, Alonso Dávila, lieutenant of Francisco de Montejo, founded the Spanish settlement of Salamanca de Xamanhá in this place, the second in the entire Peninsula; however, it had to be abandoned in 1529 due to food shortages and the poor conditions of the Spanish soldiers who were there.

It was not until colonial times that the town received the name of Playa del Carmen, due to the founding of the chapel of the Virgen del Carmen. However, for a long time the area was relegated because it lacks mineral deposits such as gold or silver, and its soil is not so fertile for massive plantations.

Although at this time, it was a resting point for pirates of the Caribbean, who devastated the Spanish galleons in their transit to Cuba.

However, it was not until the 20th century when a group of fishermen, coconut palms and gum extractors settled in the region, being the first settlers of what we know today as Playa del Carmen.

In the 1980s it barely had 1,500 inhabitants, but tourism development attracted people from all over the Republic, to the extent that according to the 2010 Inegi census, there were 159,310 inhabitants. As of 2017, it is estimated that the population of Playa del Carmen, the head of the municipality of Solidaridad, amounts to more than 300,000 people.

Main Festivities

Playa del Carmen is a city with a cheerful personality, where nature and life are enjoyed. This is reflected in the festivities that the city has, ranging from the eclectic Carnival of Playa del Carmen to the solemnity of the Sacred Mayan Journey.

These are the most important celebrations in Playa del Carmen:

Playa del Carmen Carnival. It takes place at the end of January, there are shows and parades where they recreate the Mayan culture.

Festival of the Virgen del Carmen. It is celebrated in July, and it is one of the most important events for the municipality of Solidaridad since it is the patron saint of the town. On this date the Feria del Carmen is also held to commemorate said celebration.

The Guelaguetza. Playa del Carmen and Oaxaca twinned by the Guelaguetza, in April the Guelaguetza Expo in Playa del Carmen is received in the Civic Plaza on July 28, where you can find handicrafts and products from Oaxaca as well as being able to enjoy typical music and dances from that region.

Sacred Mayan Journey. It takes place in November, it is a ritual where hundreds of canoeists set sail from Xcaret towards the sanctuary of the goddess Ixchel, in Cozumel. They travel to listen to the message of their deity, to return to Playa del Carmen to transmit it to the Mayan people, who hope to find out what fate has in store for them. The participants of this recreation make the spiritual value of the Mayan roots feel, rowing kilometers to reach their goal. Thousands of tourists witness this spectacular event every year.

Riviera Maya Jazz Festival. With artists of the highest quality, Playa del Carmen, together with the state and municipal authorities, and the work of the Riviera Maya Tourism Promotion Trust, plus the participation of hoteliers and tourist servers, managed to capitalize on the Riviera Maya Jazz Festival, as one of the most relevant events in the world of this musical genre, the festival has grown considerably, both in technology and in logistics and quality, in order to provide a better experience for attendees; "This evolution represents a watershed for the jazz scene in Latin America."

Carmen Fair. It is carried out together with the celebrations of July 6 for the Virgen del Carmen. It is a party that lasts about 10 days where people from Playa and tourists gather to enjoy music, good food and the company of family and friends. It is one of the new Playa traditions.